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Welcome Song by Steven Halpern and Chief Sonne Reyna

red eagle

Red Eagle was painted from an amazing and vivid dream (see Eagle Dreams below at bottom of page).   Just beautiful. 




starlight dance


cloudy skies

Cloudy Skies
skies shrouded in gray this morning
smothering the sunlight
winds of change blowing in
tears from heaven have been falling for days now
trying to wash away all the sorrow
left in the sediment of the current
as it slithers across the landscape
flowing back to the ocean
back to peaceful waters once more
walked outside with this burden of pain
under the outstretched arms of this tree
damp ground gives way under me gently
an emerald tear stained carpet below
mournful clouds above my head
seems a fitting scene for a funeral today
close my aching eye lids
ears opening to the sounds of rain drops
slowly letting them ebb away at this pain
mine and heaven's tears mingling
feelings of serenity come over me
as the rain momentarily ceases
the sun breaks free from the clouds
warmth and love falling onto my face
step by step ascending dismal skies
my soul opens graciously to the light
letting it's light scatter the darkness
purging and cleansing inside
mind comes to ease bathing in this pure light
swimming in a sea of forgiveness
mind becomes paradise lost
as peace crashes over me
a thought rises from the depths
sun always shines above the clouds


bobcat - Can you find him? :)

I was walking along an old riverbed in the countryside of New Mexico with my friends.  I had walked ahead of everyone else... far enough away that I could no longer hear them talking.  It was a beautiful and peaceful day and I was enjoying the tranquility of the place as I walked among a grove of trees.  All of a sudden, I heard someone shout loudly in warning, "STOP!".  I froze immediately.  And the moment I stopped, I felt something fly over me, grazing the top of my head as it went past.  Looking up in surprise, I saw a large bobcat bounding off in the distance.  If I had continued walking, it would have landed right on my back and neck.  The thing is, the voice, although as clear as if someone were yelling right beside me, was not a voice that came from anyone near.  Although the warning was loud and clear, I heard it from within, rather than from outside.  In a daze, I looked into the trees, and there I saw this young bobcat staring down at me.  It was then that I understood that the other bobcat had tried to protect this young one from me.  I walked next to the tree and came close enough that I could have reached up and touched him.  He didn't make a sound.  Just lay curled up in the branches and stared at me.  I talked to him quietly, telling him that we wouldn't hurt him.  And that he was beautiful.  I had a camera with me, so I was able to get a picture.  After a while, my friends came nearer, and I told them what happened.  One of them also had a camera and was able to snap a few more photos.  Be it an angel or a loved one in spirit, I don't know who yelled that warning, but I'm grateful.  I am grateful too, that the bobcat allowed me to take his picture.


lake sunrise


pink flower


angel peace


eagle dreams
